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5 Costly Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid


5 Costly Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

It is easy to get excited about your new Plano remodel and want to get started right away – without thinking through all the details. Learn from the mistakes of others and avoid these 5 costly remodeling mistakes:


1.     Know What You Like


This may seem simple, but it is imperative that you know exactly what you are looking for so that you can effectively share that with your contractor. It is helpful to have pictures on hand to showcase the style and finishes you are expecting. Knowing what you want – and effectively communicating that with the contractor – will save you many headaches down the road.


2. Don’t Choose the Lowest Cost Contractor


We love to save money as much as the next guy, but you may want to think twice before hiring the lowest cost contractor. Many guys will say they can do a job for a certain price, but many times this leads to sub-par quality and construction issues. Hire an honest, reliable, proven Plano contractor that you know has a track record for success – even if he isn’t the cheapest.


3.     Avoid the Temptation to Buy Early


Sales on fixtures, appliances, hardware, etc. can get you excited to buy now! Our advice: don’t buy anything until all of your plans are confirmed and you are sure it’s going to fit your style, budget, and overall site plan. It’s great to get a light fixture on sale, but if it doesn’t go with the design of the room, then it probably wasn’t worth it.


4.     Don’t Be Afraid to Change a Room’s Layout


We see this a lot – particularly with bathrooms. Consult your contractor on the best layout for the room you are remodeling  – whether it’s the same as the current layout or not. If you’re gutting a bathroom, moving a few things around is not a big issue – and you’ll be happier in the long run with a more functional space.


5.     Keep it Classic


Unless you plan to be in your home long-term, avoid overly trendy design features. You may love the latest glass backsplash, but in a few years, that style may make your home look dated. Look for countertops, backsplashes, tile, fixtures, and more that have timeless appeal.


Want an expert Plano contractor to handle your next remodel and help you avoid costly mistakes? Give Pedigo Construction a call today! 


5 Ways to Maximize Kitchen Traffic Flow


5 Ways to Maximize Kitchen Traffic Flow

When doing a kitchen remodel in Plano, one of the most important things to consider is the “flow.” Where will the appliances be? Is there space to move around? Are my needs going to be met by the remodeled space?

Here are 5 things to consider when designing your Plano kitchen remodel:

1.     Consider the Work Triangle

Kitchen remodeling 101 tells you to make sure your kitchen workspace is compact and easy to move around in. The “work triangle” is comprised of the refrigerator, cooktop, and sink, and ideally, these paths would be between 4-9 ft. long in order to maximize the workability of the space.


2.     Create Adequate Aisle Space

It’s tempting to squeeze in as many cabinets and kitchen gadgets as you can, but be careful not to compromise walking space. Somewhere around 42 inches is the standard aisle space between countertops, but if you have a high traffic area in the kitchen, 48 inches will give you more breathing room.


3.     Keep Entry Points Free & Clear

Consider all entry points when placing cabinets and appliances. Keep entry points free of blockage from appliance doors swinging open, cabinets, stools where someone could be sitting, etc.


4.     Plan an Island Carefully

Everyone loves an open concept kitchen with a big island for guests to mingle around. If you are considering an island with seating, make sure seating faces the work space, but remains out of the work triangle.


5.     Optimize the Space for You

Think through how you will use the kitchen and tailor it to your needs. Will you be entertaining a lot and need access to the trash compactor? Consider putting it a door or two down from the sink, so that it’s not blocked if someone is working at the sink. Have certain utensils and ingredients you always use at the cooktop? Plan for optimal storage that is an arms-length away.


Pedigo Construction in Plano, Texas would love to help you with your Plano kitchen remodelGive us a call today to schedule a consult, and our design team can go to work on creating your dream kitchen.
