When doing a master bedroom remodel at Pedigo Construction, one of our clients’ top requests is for a master closet overhaul.
Whether you are completely gutting your closet and starting fresh with a brand new, custom closet or trying to make an existing small closet work for you, consider these 5 ways to maximize your master bedroom closet:
· Create a System: Think about the size, shape, and height of your closet and determine what type of shelving, hooks, clothing bars, drawers, etc. would work in your closet to maximize the space for YOU. There are so many amazing design options out there. Cubbies are great for sweaters and pants. Corner carousels can maximize weird nooks in the corner of your closet. Pedigo Construction is always happy to help draw up a plan for any level of master closet remodel in Plano.
· Consider Eye Level: No matter what system you end up using, put the items you use the most at eye level. Hanging bars are perfect for this height because you can easily breeze through shirts and blouses that are worn daily.
· Rotate Clothing Seasonally: Just as you want to put clothes you use often at eye level, you want to keep seasonally appropriate clothes within easy reach as well. Rotate out-of-season clothing to the back of the closet or consider storing on an upper shelf.
· Use the 6 Month Rule: If you haven’t worn something within 6 months, donate it! Decluttering is one of the most effective ways to gain space in the closet. Let that dress you haven’t worn in years go to a new home where it will be loved.
· Reconsider the Door Space: A closet door can be a much needed source for additional storage options. Or if it’s in the way, a door can be eliminated completely and replaced with a stylish sliding barn door.
Looking to do a master closet remodel in Plano? Call Pedigo Construction and let us bounce around ideas and lay out a plan that works for your budget and space.
Photo courtesy frining.com